How To Prevent Oversize of Heating and Cooling Unit With EHP Technology

Many factors come into play when you want to install heating and cooling units in your home, factory, plants, cities, etc. It is imperative to consider the heat requirement of these units to serve you better and ensure your comfort at all times. Unfortunately, many homeowners fail to understand the full implication of having an oversized heating and cooling unit. 

When the heating and cooling units in your home are oversized, you run the risk of losing your comfort, and it also limits the energy efficiency of the systems. The advent of EHP Technology has ensured all units are sized according to their heat requirement. Thanks to the high-efficiency characteristics of the heating and cooling units developed by EHP technology, we can cool or heat up our home and office spaces with the right cooling or heating capacity to ensure we are comfortable all year round. These EHP-based heating and cooling units are also compatible with the Paris Agreement. 

The Paris Agreement focuses on building a world where there will no longer be carbon emissions. To achieve this goal, we need 5th-generation district heating and cooling technology. EHP technology-based systems are fitted with cutting-edge technology that guarantees high response and efficiency at low temperatures. These systems are the only ones better positioned to achieve the 2030 Paris Agreement. 

What EHP Technology Brings 

With EHP-based units, you can prevent the following occurrences:

  • Uneven Temperature distribution within the house

If the capacity of the heating and cooling unit is beyond what your home or office building handle, it can alter the temperature distribution of the space, making it excessively hot or too cold. A unit with excess heating or cooling capacity will undoubtedly heat or cool the home faster, creating additional problems along the line. First, you will not enjoy gradual heating and cooling and will likely have some hot or cold spots within the house. EHP-based systems solve this problem by ensuring you don’t suffer from the inconveniences of oversized units. The technology also dehumidifies the air as it is cooled, unlike oversized units. 

  • Elimination of Short Cycling Issues

Oversized units bombard your home with cool air as against cooling the home gradually, thereby causing the system to start and shut down abruptly. This condition is known as ‘short cycling.’ This can negatively impact the optimal performance of these systems. With EHP, such an occurrence is mitigated and ensures you live comfortably in your home.

  • Cutting down on Carbon Emissions

One of the major selling points of EHP-based systems is that they can function with fossil fuels. The implication is that it cuts out the use of fossil fuels. According to the scientific consultant of EHP, Prof. Birol Kilkis, EHP-based systems can save as high as 375 tons of carbon dioxide yearly. 


EHP is a game changer in the heating and cooling market. The technology has set a good precedent across multiple industries, and the future potential is undoubtedly great. You can learn more about EHP and a wide array of products by visiting the company website.